Here is a guide on how to get the Prod Smacker in Grounded. Such as the Prod Smacker, a nifty weapon with some zing to it. Combined with Black Ox armor it could be a fun build. Prod Smacker also has a special charged attack that adds 40 ShockDamage and 20 HitStun to every charged attack. Players are rewarded with special weapons for exploring every inch of the backyard. This is of my gripes about Grounded I give it high ratings but why couldnt the devs just add exact numbers why have these vague bars same with bug health just provide a number. This was removed as it allowed players to skip the progression of the Termite Axe. Grounded has been in Early Access for a while now, but as of Septemit has now fully released.The Pinch Whacker used to deal Chopping damage. I 7/1 II megium Mix.

It can't be brought down elemental damage routes in the Smithing Station and can only be upgraded down the Mighty route. Duration : 11:41 Size : 16.04 MB Views : 74 Sample Rate: 48kHz Audio. Its is not craftable and only one of it exists. This weapon is the counterpart to the Prod Smacker. The weapon is unique in that when it hits an enemy, it has a chance to make a large electrical explosion that deals 35 damage and 15 stun to anything around it. Its is not craftable and only one of it exists. Name : GROUNDED - part 12 MIX.R & SUPER MIX.R, Prod Smacker, Garden Patch, Waft Emitter etc. The Pinch Whacker is located inside a trash can in the dark outpost.

It behaves like a club, but has a special ability in which when performing a charge attack, once it makes. This room requires all the MIX.Rs to be completed in order to open the door, including the Super MIX.Rs. The Pinch Whacker is located inside a trash can in the dark outpost. The Prod Smacker is a 2-handed tier 3 generic tool found in the Black Anthill Lab in a room above the Assistant Manager arena that looks quite similar to the TAYZ.Ts weaponized arm. The door also needs a Bratburst to open it. And aside from the antlion armor set the. And every level below 9 reduces the benefit over sleek by 5, while sleek gives most of its benefit directly at level 6. The outpost is only accessible via jumping down from above with a Dandelion Tuft or by building up. Even at level 9 the extra 20 defense translates to 2-3 points of damage reduction at most over going sleek. I'm trying to compile a list of all weapons and which category/mutation they belong to, please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere in the list or if I missed anything.The Pinch Whacker a 1-handed tier 3 generic tool found in the Berry Outpost located on the side of the stone wall hidden in a small crevice.